I have lots to be thankful for this year!! To end this year I want to return that to someone who is less fortunate than I am, possibly put a smile on someones face who needs it more than they know, and maybe end the year on a better note... I have no idea how the hell i'm going to do this! I am not rich with money, but I am rich in other ways, and I know that I can help.
I'm thinking maybe do a free session to a family or person who has struggled this year. Someone who works very hard to get what they have, but doesn't have the time and money to do something nice for themselves or their family. I am asking for your help to nominate someone who you think deserves a free session and I will give them a free 8x10 of the best shot for them to keep forever. Some people would be embarrassed of their troubles, some have every reason to be, but then there are some who keep climbing and they never give up!! Keep your head high and NEVER give up.
If you know someone who you feel deserves a free photo session, please submit their name and why they deserve this session. I'm not trying to play "god" here and pick and choose the worst scenario, I'm just trying to give back..... I'm not even sure this will work, but it is worth a try!
All entries will need to be in by December 21st right before Christmas! Hopefully I can help you, help your friends or family smile.
I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season!